Zolben Tablet is utilized for Neurocysticercosis, Hydatid ailment and different conditions. Zolben Tablet may likewise be utilized for purposes not recorded in this prescription guide.

Zolben Tablet contains Albendazole as a functioning fixing.

Zolben Tablet works by causing degenerative changes in the intestinal cells.

Dynamic Labs produces Zolben Tablet.

Point by point data identified with Zolben Tablet's uses, structure, measurement, symptoms and audits is recorded beneath.


Zolben Tablet is utilized for the treatment, control, counteractive action, and enhancement of the accompanying illnesses, conditions and indications:


Hydatid sickness

Zolben Tablet may likewise be utilized for purposes not recorded here.

References: 1

Take in more: Uses

Zolben Tablet Side-impacts

Coming up next is a rundown of conceivable reactions that may happen from all establishing elements of Zolben Tablet. This is certifiably not a far reaching list. These reactions are conceivable, however don't generally happen. A portion of the reactions might be uncommon however genuine. Counsel your specialist in the event that you watch any of the accompanying reactions, particularly on the off chance that they don't leave.

Stomach torment




Raised hepatic catalysts


Cerebral pain

Meningeal signs

Raised intracranial weight


Zolben Tablet may likewise cause reactions not recorded here.

In the event that you see opposite symptoms not recorded above, contact your specialist for therapeutic exhortation. You may likewise report reactions to your neighborhood sustenance and medication organization expert.

References: 1

Take in more: Side-impacts

Safety measures

Prior to utilizing Zolben Tablet, educate your specialist about your current rundown of prescriptions, over the counter items (e.g. nutrients, natural enhancements, and so forth.), sensitivities, previous illnesses, and current wellbeing conditions (e.g. pregnancy, forthcoming medical procedure, and so on.). Some wellbeing conditions may make you more defenseless to the symptoms of the medication. Take as coordinated by your specialist or pursue the bearing imprinted on the item embed. Measurement depends on your condition. Tell your specialist if your condition continues or compounds. Essential guiding focuses are recorded underneath.

Bone marrow concealment

Hepatic impacts

Screen blood checks and liver catalysts like clockwork

Danger of neurologic side effects in Neurocysticercosis

Danger of retinal harm in patients with Retinal Neurocysticercosis

Take with nourishment

Teratogenic impacts

Exposing of Neurocysticercosis in Hydatid patients

References: 1, 1

Take in more: Precautions and How to Use

Cooperations with Zolben Tablet

On the off chance that you utilize different medications or over the counter items in the meantime, the impacts of Zolben Tablet may change. This may expand your hazard for reactions or cause your medication not to work legitimately. Educate your specialist regarding every one of the medications, nutrients, and home grown enhancements you are utilizing, with the goal that you specialist can enable you to avert or oversee tranquilize collaborations. Zolben Tablet may communicate with the accompanying medications and items:





References: 1

Take in more: Interactions

Prescriptions not to use with Zolben Tablet

Extreme touchiness to Zolben Tablet is a contraindication. What's more, Zolben Tablet ought not be utilized in the event that you have the accompanying conditions:

Extreme touchiness

References: 1

Take in more: Contraindications

Organization and Active Ingredients

Zolben Tablet is made out of the accompanying dynamic fixings (salts)

Albendazole - 400 MG

Kindly note that this drug might be accessible in different qualities for every dynamic fixing recorded previously.

Bundles and Strengths

Zolben Tablet is accessible in the accompanying bundles and qualities

Zolben Tablet - Packages: 10 Tablet

Zolben Tablet - Strengths: 400MG


The medication is produced by the accompanying organizations

Dynamic Labs

Zolben Tablet - Frequently made inquiries

Is Zolben Tablet safe to devour or apply when pregnant?


References: 1

Is Zolben Tablet safe while breastfeeding?

It would be ideal if you examine the dangers and advantages with your specialist.

References: 1

Is it safe to drive or work overwhelming hardware while devouring?

On the off chance that you encounter sluggishness, dazedness, hypotension or a cerebral pain as reactions when utilizing Zolben Tablet prescription then it may not be protected to drive a vehicle or work overwhelming apparatus. One ought not drive a vehicle if utilizing the medication makes you sleepy, tipsy or brings down your circulatory strain broadly. Drug specialists likewise encourage patients not to drink liquor with prescriptions as liquor heightens languor symptoms. It would be ideal if you check for these impacts on your body when utilizing Zolben Tablet. Continuously counsel with your specialist for proposals particular to your body and wellbeing conditions.

Is this medication or item addictive or propensity framing?

Most medications don't accompany a potential for dependence or misuse. Normally, government's orders medications that can be addictive as controlled substances. Models incorporate calendar H or X in India and timetable II-V in the US. If it's not too much trouble counsel the item bundle to ensure that the drug does not have a place with such uncommon arrangements of meds. In conclusion, don't self-cure and increment your body's reliance to meds without the exhortation of a specialist.

Would it be able to be halted instantly or do I need to gradually ween off utilization?

A few meds should be decreased or can't be halted quickly on account of bounce back impacts. It would be ideal if you counsel with your specialist for suggestions particular to your body, wellbeing and different prescriptions that you might utilize.

Other essential Information on Zolben Tablet

Missing a portion

In the event that you miss a portion, utilize it when you take note. On the off chance that it is near the season of your next portion, skirt the missed portion and resume your dosing plan. Try not to utilize additional portion to compensate for a missed portion. On the off chance that you are frequently missing portions, consider setting an alert or requesting that a relative remind you. Kindly counsel your specialist to talk about changes in your dosing plan or another calendar to compensate for missed portions, on the off chance that you have missed such a large number of dosages as of late.

References: 2, 3, 4, 5

Overdosage of Zolben Tablet

Try not to utilize more than recommended portion. Taking more medicine won't enhance your manifestations; rather they may cause harming or genuine reactions. On the off chance that you speculate that you or any other person who may have overdosed of Zolben Tablet, if it's not too much trouble go to the crisis division of the nearest healing facility or nursing home. Bring a prescription box, holder, or name with you to assist specialists with fundamental data.

Try not to give your meds to other individuals regardless of whether you realize that they have a similar condition or it appears that they may have comparative conditions. This may prompt overdosage.

It would be ideal if you counsel your doctor or drug specialist or item bundle for more data.

Capacity of Zolben Tablet

Store meds at room temperature, far from warmth and direct light. Try not to solidify medications except if required by bundle embed. Fend off meds from kids and pets.

Try not to flush prescriptions down the can or empty them into waste except if trained to do as such. Prescription disposed of in this way may taint the earth. It would be ideal if you counsel your drug specialist or specialist for more points of interest on the best way to securely dispose of Zolben Tablet.

Taking a solitary portion of lapsed Zolben Tablet is probably not going to create an antagonistic occasion. Be that as it may, kindly examine with your essential wellbeing supplier or drug specialist for appropriate counsel or on the off chance that you feel unwell or wiped out. Lapsed medication may end up incapable in treating your recommended conditions. To be erring on the side of caution, it is essential not to utilize lapsed medication. On the off chance that you have a perpetual disease that requires taking drug continually, for example, heart condition, seizures, and hazardous hypersensitivities, you are significantly more secure staying in contact with your essential social insurance supplier so you can have a crisp supply of unexpired prescriptions.