
Flexon Tablet is a mix remedy used to relieve torment related with menstrual cycles and joint agony. It is used to reduce delicate to coordinate anguish related with a cerebral torment, toothache, muscle torment, or back torment. It is furthermore used to quickly mollify fever. This drug should be used with alarm on account of the extended peril of liver damage and depleting complexities.

Occupations of Flexon Tablet

What is it prescribed for?

Fever and Pain

This prescription is used to give momentary mitigation from fever and torment without treating the central reason.

Smooth to Moderate desolation

This medication is used to mitigate delicate to coordinate desolation related with a headache, toothache, muscle torment, or back torment.

Menstrual Cramps

This medication is used to soothe torment and cramping related with the menstrual cycle in women.


This medication is used to respect signs, for instance, sensitive and troublesome joints related with Osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This medication is used to respect symptoms, for instance, swelling, torment, and immovability of joints related with Rheumatoid Arthritis.


This remedy is used to lessen the torment and swelling related with gout.


Major and minor responses for Flexon Tablet

Ailment or Vomiting


Gastric/Mouth Ulcer

Fiendish and cloudy urine

Sporadic blood checks



Stomach discomfort


Decreased pee output

Yellow shaded eyes or skin

Ringing or murmuring in the ears

Loss of appetite


Disgorging of blood

Contact your master in a flash if any of these symptoms are encountered constantly.

Observed in a little division of masses.

This is certainly not a complete summary of responses. You should light up your pro in case you experience any hostile reaction to the medicine.


Typically made request for Flexon Tablet

Start of action

The effect of this solution can be seen inside 30 minutes of association of the bit.

Term of effect

The effect of this medicine continues for a typical range of 6 hours.

Safe with alcohol?


Use of alcohol isn't recommended in the midst of treatment with this medicine due to the extended threat of authentic side effects, for instance, genuine gastrointestinal kicking the bucket, dazedness, exhaustion, deficiency, rashes, ailment, joint torment, fever, et cetera.

Is it inclination forming?

No penchant forming tendencies were represented.

Use in pregnancy?

This remedy isn't proposed for use in pregnant women aside from if absolutely basic. Each one of the risks and points of interest should be discussed with the authority before taking this medicine.

Usage while chest supporting?

This medicine isn't recommended for use in breastfeeding women with the exception of if totally imperative. Each one of the threats and preferences should be inspected with the master before taking this solution.


Summary of substitutes for Flexon Tablet

Coming up next is the summary of medications, which have a comparable creation, quality and shape as Flexon Tablet, and from now on can be used as its substitute.